Felted Diorama


Tell a story by felting a scene, which includes a background felted painting, foreground sculptural felting and seamless resist felting for puppets and other objects.

Choose a favorite scene from a book, a memory from your life, a poem, a dream, an altar, let your imagination run wild and bring it to life through wool. Using a variety of methods of wet and needle felting each person will create a diorama of their choosing. Consider the background a painting, using needle felting and wet felting techniques, incorporating prefelts if desired. For the foreground, three dimensional objects or characters will be sculpted with a combination of needle felting and wet felting. Interactive finger and/or hand puppets can be created using seamless resist felting techniques. This class will be a felting sampler for beginners and a space for more experienced felters to experiment and play. Bring photos, books or sketches to guide your diorama if you know what you want to create or come open to inspiration as we walk through the process together.  No experience and no art skills are necessary.  Wool is a very forgiving medium, full of surprises and possibilities!


Flat Felting for the Kitchen


Felting for Animals